Gram Chetna Kendra, Rajasthan

  • Educational Tour of Child Club Members to Pushkar
  • Project Area at Sambhar Lake
  • Block Level rally on Child Rights
  • Career Guidance Camp for Youths
  • Victorious Child Federation (Bal Sansad) Members with GCK Staff
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Reproductive Child Health
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Drinking Water & Sanitation
Women Empowerment
PRI & CBO Strengthening
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Child Participation
Income Generation Activities
SHG (Self Help Group)
Working with Disabled Children
Give India Programme
Internship Programs
Emergency Support
Gram Chetna Kendra
Post –Khedi Milak, Via-Renewal
Distt - Jaipur (Rajasthan) - 303603
(O)-01424-282234, 282256
Mob: 09829017134
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Livelihood Promotion Project

Livelihood Promotion in selected villages of Bassi of Jaipur District in Rajasthan- Primary beneficiaries are smallholder farmers with an actual or potential commercial outlook, brought together through collective action towards achieving economies of scale, e.g. farmer associations, women self help groups, livestock herders, as well as farmer producer organizations. Project activities will be undertaken in five selected villages, so-called cluster.

Objective: is to establish the feasibility of sustainably increasing agricultural productivity and farmer incomes through a distinct livelihood development approach by integrating agriculture, dairy, water management, agricultural technology, farmer organizations and market innovations in selected villages.

The specific objectives are:

(a) To facilitate farmers for sustainable and efficient use of resources, including improved on-farm water use efficiency, animal husbandry and using technology for economic purposes.

(b) To increase participation in the development of value chains in processing and marketing.

(c) Improved public sector capacity in delivering agriculture support services. To mobilize farmers into member-owned producer organizations, or FPOs, is to enhance production, productivity and profitability of agro-horticulture and dairy farmers, especially women, landless, small and marginal farmers in the cluster.

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